- Mr Iain Greenway (Chair – 2022)
- Professor Ian Dowman BSc PhD FRICS (Secretary)
- Mr Anthony Chase FRICS
- Mr R E H Hayward BSc (Est. Man), FRICS
- Mr C R Little BA (Hons) DipLS
- Mr E B D Waldy, MPhil, FRICS
- Ms Kate Fairlie , MSc BEng (Hons)
- Dr Ainoriza Mohd Aini, B (Est. Man), MSc, PhD
Past Trustees
- Professor Sarah Sayce BSc PhD FRICS IRRV (Chair)
- Mr Michael Newey DSc (Hon) BSc FRICS FCIH FRSA MAHI
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Iain Greenway trained as a land surveyor and worked in the three Ordnance Surveys in the British Isles, becoming the last Chief Executive of Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland. His subsequent roles in the Northern Ireland Civil Service have included as Director of Road Safety, and he is currently Director of Historic Environment. He is an Honorary Member of FIG (the International Federation of Surveyors), having served as Vice President 2009-2012. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors (CICES), treasurer of a junior football club, and Trustee of a trust providing leisure services in North Down.

Professor Ian Dowman BSc PhD FRICS (Secretary)
Ian Dowman is Emeritus Professor in Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing at University College London (UCL). He was President of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) from 2004 to 2008. He has represented ISPRS at international organisations such as UN and ICSU and has organised workshops and meetings internationally, particularly in Africa and South America. He now edits Geomatics World.

Tony Chase is a Chartered Surveyor and a Partner in property consultants Gerald Eve LLP. He is a long-standing member of the firm’s Professional Standards Panel, with responsibilities which have ranged from professional practice and compliance to anti-money laundering, and has many years’ experience of working voluntarily in charitable and not-for-profit organisations, including acting as Chair and Trustee of a local charitable group and Chair of Governors of a public sector school.

BSc (Est. Man), FRICS
Richard Hayward is a chartered valuation surveyor who has combined his own private practice with work as an academic and authorship. He retired as a Principal Lecturer, having been responsible for running undergraduate and postgraduate Estate Management courses at South Bank and East London Universities. In practice, his professional experience has been wide-ranging, but for many years he has specialised in statutory compensation, planning and compulsory purchase. He is the author The Handbook of Land Compensation (published by Sweet and Maxwell), which attempts to be definitive on its subject, and is editor and co-author of Valuation: Principles into Practice.

BA (Hons) DipLS
Chris Little‘s industrial experience includes many years as a land surveyor working in the UK and overseas, involving topographic surveys, building surveys and setting out; and eight years’ technical/software support and running training courses for Sokkia Ltd. For the last 14 years he has been the director of a training consultancy, running surveys and setting out courses for the surveying and construction industries. He also has many years’ experience in the charity sector in his village, including acting as the chairman of one charity for over 10 years.

Brian Waldy is a chartered surveyor, with extensive experience in the UK and international consultancy. A qualified investment analyst, he is a former Chair of the Society of Property Researchers (SPR). In relation to registered charities, he is a former Chairman of the Aubrey Barker Fund, the RICS Foundation and the RICS Education Trust and a former Trustee of the Friends of the Commonwealth. Brian is the current Chair of Survey Review. He was the Secretary General of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE) for 11 years and is now their Commonwealth liaison. He is a former Chairman of FIG Commission 9 (valuation and the management of real estate) and a former Visiting Professor at City University.

MSc BEng (Hons)
Kate Fairlie is a land administration specialist with Land Equity International. She has worked extensively with the UN, World Bank and donor governments in the fields of surveying and land administration, and is a former Chair of the FIG Young Surveyors Network. Kate has some 15 years of experience in land administration and related fields, including particular expertise across the land dimensions of sustainable urban development, conservation and climate change, technology and youth.

Ainoriza Aini is currently the Head of Department of Real Estate at the Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Malaya, Malaysia. Trained as a valuer, Dr Ainoriza moved into academia in 2004 where she taught both undergraduate and postgraduate programs and has led numerous real estate research projects. Outside of academia, she has acted as a consultant for private developers and government agencies. She has also been appointed as a field expert in government research and policymaking. She is an Executive Board Member for the Asean Valuers Association (AVA) and a member of The Royal Institutions of Surveyors, Malaysia.